
Good start for Italian cured meat exports

In the first quarter of 2022, exports of Italian cured meats recorded further growth: + 5.4% in quantity for a total of 44,780 tons and + 9% in value for 431.5 million euros, according to ASSICA.

Posted on Jun 29 ,06:48

Good start for Italian cured meat exports

An important fact that confirms the appreciation for Italian cured meats and that it could have been even more robust without the brake represented by the ASF. Exports to the EU went very well: + 6.4% for a total of 31,323 tons exported and + 9.1% for a turnover of 291 million euros. On the other hand, exports to third countries are losing momentum (+ 3.1% in volume and + 8.7% in value) which, despite the excellent results of the USA (+ 38.6% in volume and + 38.4% in value) and the United Kingdom (+ 16.0% in volume and + 17.9% in value) are affected by the slowdown of many other important partners, especially Asian countries that do not apply the principle of regionalization with reference to ASF.

2021 was an excellent year for exports and, according to ISTAT, marked a new record: 197,759 tons for a turnover of 1,836 million euros, recording a double-digit increase in both volume (+15, 2%) and value (+ 12.0%). Thanks to this important milestone, exports of Italian cured meats have recovered from the decline of the difficult 2020 and have abundantly exceeded the pre-pandemic levels, recording + 7.9% in quantity and + 15.6% in value compared to 2019.
The trade balance of the sector recorded a + 15.7% compared to 2020, rising to 1,623 million euros.
Regarding to the geographical areas, both exports to the EU27 and, above all, those to third countries, showed solid growth, driven by the boom in shipments to the USA. Within the EU, all main commercial partners showed a significant increase in demand: over the last 12 months, shipments to EU partners showed a + 13.6% in quantity for 135,969 tons and a +10.4 % in value for approximately 1,207 million euros. Excellent 2021 also for exchanges with non-EU countries which, with arrivals of Italian cured meats for 61,790 tons for a value of 629 million euros, recorded + 18.9% in volume and + 15.3% in value.

Among the products, in 2021 shipments of cured hams started running again, exceeding the difficult 2020 with + 17.6% in quantity and + 14.7% in value.
Important results also for exports of salami (+ 18.9% in volume and + 14.3% in value), bresaola, (+ 16.0% in quantity and + 14.3% in value) and above all of cooked hams, which with shipments of 22,058 tons and € 164.3 million, closed the year with + 23.9% in quantity and + 14.5% in value and recorded the best performance among the various types of cured meat. The result of mortadella and wurstel was discreet (+ 5.8% in volume and + 4.0% in value) while shipments of seasoned pancetta recorded + 3.1% in quantity but –6.6% in value.

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