ABPA celebrates new qualifications of poultry units for China
In total, there are eight new cold storage plants enabled, along with four warehouses. The qualified slaughterhouses are in Paraná (05 units), Santa Catarina (02 units) and Rio Grande do Sul (01 unit). The warehouses are in Paraná (01 unit), Santa Catarina (02 units) and Rio Grande do Sul (01 unit).
"It is the largest increase in poultry licenses ever carried out by China, after five years without new units authorized. The qualifications are the result of efforts competently conducted by the Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Fávaro, and his team, in addition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Government bodies. They are also an important recognition from China of the work carried out by Brazil", highlights the president of ABPA, Ricardo Santin.
Until now, Brazil had 47 poultry cold storage plants – now it has 55 poultry plants and 4 cold stores.
"There are good expectations about the performance of Brazilian sales to the Asian country with these qualifications, especially as new business groups will have access to this important market for the first time. China is the main destination for Brazilian chicken meat exports, with 10% of all shipments made by the sector in the first two months of this year", analyzes ABPA's markets director, Luís Rua.
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