
Brazil: Chicken meat exports grow 2 percent in October


Surveys by the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) show that Brazilian exports of chicken meat (considering all products, including fresh and processed) totaled 401.7 thousand tons in October, a number which exceeds by 2% the total shipped in the same period last year, with 394 thousand tons.

Posted on Nov 15 ,00:10

Brazil: Chicken meat exports grow 2 percent in October

In terms of revenue, chicken meat exports in October reached US$723.5 million, 12% lower than the result achieved in the same period last year, with US$822.6 million.

In the year to date (January to October), chicken meat exports reached 4,307 million tons, a volume 6.1% higher than that recorded in the same period in 2022, with 4,060 million tons.

Considering the first 10 months of 2023, revenue resulting from exports reached US$8,301 billion, 1.3% higher than the total recorded last year, with US$8,195 billion.

"The maintenance of the export flow above 400 thousand tons in October reinforces ABPA's projections for record shipments in 2023, exceeding 5 million tons, a trend that also brings positive expectations for next year”, advises the president of ABPA, Ricardo Santin.

Among the main destinations for chicken meat exports in 2023 (considering the period between January and October), the highlights were sales to China, with 592.6 thousand tons (+31% compared to the same period of the previous year), Saudi Arabia, with 305 thousand tons (+5%), South Africa, with 286 thousand tons (+25%), South Korea, with 166.5 thousand tons (+9%) and Mexico, with 155.6 thousand tons (+22%).

The main exporter of chicken meat in Brazil, Parana exported 1,778 million tons between January and October, a number 9.6% higher than that recorded in the same period in 2022. In the ranking of exporters, next are Santa Catarina, with 903 thousand tons ( +6.6%), Rio Grande do Sul, with 616.4 thousand tons (-1.93%), São Paulo, with 246.1 thousand tons (+7.9%) and Goiás, with 195.6 thousand tons (+20.5%).

"Added to the fact that China and other markets continue to demand the Brazilian product, this year, in addition to the opening of 4 (four) new markets and the expansion of the number of establishments qualified for poultry meat in some countries, we also recently had the return pre-listing for the United Kingdom and the formalization of the same mechanism for countries such as Chile and Cuba. This should be reflected in future shipments" reinforced the markets director, Luis Rua.

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