Cargill launches REVEAL Layers, a non-invasive NIR technology to monitor the body condition of poultry
As the poultry industry continues to explore ways to achieve gains in hen laying production, Cargill’s REVEAL™ Layers can help poultry layer producers get there. Using Cargill’s innovative, non-invasive Near InfraRed (NIR) technology, producers and nutritionists have immediate access to body composition assessments of their hens. This allows them to make real-time decisions regarding diets to support their flocks’ long-term production and performance.
It is believed that overdeveloped fat pads in laying hens are problematic for long-term egg production and optimal liver function. Cargill’s REVEAL™ Layers uses NIR light technology to measure the bird’s fat pads. The results are then uploaded and analysed, providing producers and nutritionists with actionable data which can be used to adapt the diet to achieve the optimal layer body composition. Not only could this trim feed costs, but it can also maximize egg production and boost profitability, setting a new standard in supporting the long-term performance of laying hens.
"REVEAL™ Layers is part of Cargill’s holistic approach to monitor body fat and egg production, supporting the producer and nutritionist to make educated decisions regarding the diet. As we navigate the challenges of feeding a growing global population, these insights pave the way for more sustainable and efficient poultry production", explains Lieske van Eck, Senior Scientist at Cargill.
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