Spain and the Netherlands are the main markets for Irish cattle.
"It's about survival. The global food system must change dramatically if we are to sustainably fe...
According to Nielsen, at the beginning of the summer, the processed meat market was up by 2%, sta...
Radu Timis jr. intends to achieve €500 million in turnover over the next 6 years.
Joint projects in the livestock sector are expected to be developed between the former Soviet rep...
The ASF virus may spread further as the rivers were contaminated with blood.
Over the first 10 months of the year, the Ukrainian poultry sector has increased its presence in ...
In the first nine months, the South American country has shipped more than 100,000 tonnes of poul...
Philippe Thomas will be responsible for all retail operations and sales in the Netherlands, Germa...
Traces of the virus were found in samples collected from 4,000 pigs killed in an outbreak of clas...