An AHDB mission to the US with red meat exporters to explore opportunities for lamb and beef from...
The SAT 322 Los Chicos (Segovia) and Puyalón (Albalatillo, Huesca) pig farms have been awarded in...
Branded promotions work to increase consumer awareness, develop product demand and position U.S. ...
In an open letter to medical journal The Lancet, the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Boa...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced an investment of more than $43 million in mea...
While the outlook for global sheepmeat and beef trade is improving, Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LN...
Tyson Foods will close two U.S. chicken plants with almost 1,700 employees on May 12, according t...
In 2022, 25.83 million animals were slaughtered on a monthly basis, according to the Federal Stat...
U.S. beef exports were record-breaking in 2022 but slowed late in the year, according to data rel...
On the 23 February, shipments of beef from Brazil to China were suspended over a confirmed case o...