The Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC) together with Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) b...
The latest results from Meat & Livestock Australia and Australian Wool Innovation’s February 2023...
The interprofessionals ASICI and INTERPORC are developing a joint promotional action in the Unite...
The reality of the pig sector is based on truth and scientific endorsement, the bases with which ...
A surge in African swine fever (ASF) infections in China is set to reduce hog output later this y...
Americans are buying more fresh meat than before the COVID-19 pandemic and are seeking value in t...
Last year was the first full year since the pandemic began where restrictions limiting people to ...
Almost 2.9 million tonnes of meat and meat products were exported in 2022, most of which went to ...
Norway exported seafood worth NOK 12.8 billion in February. This is an increase of NOK 1.6 billio...
In the accumulated result for the year, agro abroad sales reached a record for the first two months.