For the first 10 months of 2021, exports of Polish agricultural and food products rose by 6.7% ye...
The ban enters in force on January 1st and it will be applied for a period of 6 months.
"Dominant corporations in uncompetitive markets are taking advantage of their market power to rai...
Whole turkey is making a comeback in the Chinese market after a ban was placed on the product in ...
Minister Charlie McConalogue hopes to lift the ban on Irish beef, as Brazil resolved a similar ac...
Pig meat is the product that drives this increased dependency on imports.
From 2022 to 2024, Bord Bia is to spend €13.4 million on three promotional campaigns in Asia, the...
The world's largest meat producer will have a flagship store on to respond to increased de...
South Korea, Japan and China/Hong Kong have increased beef imports this year.
Officials in Beijing said the country would resume imports of Brazilian boneless beef products fr...