In the first four months of 2020, 1.35 million tonnes of pork have been imported by the Asian cou...
"It may take the rest of the year to recover" analysts are saying. The impact on export markets i...
Analysts are foreseeing a 9% growth acceleration in processed meat until 2023.
World food commodity prices declined for the third month in a row during April.
This time, several Japanese companies are switching from fresh pork to processed meat.
Filipino government granted access for beef products from Spain after three-year negotiation.
With cold stores filled, consumption has dropped and pig prices are falling sharply.
"We’re seeing significant growth in online transactions and sales, especially in meat products", ...
According to a CoBank report, they may be forced to euthanize as many as 7 million pigs in the se...
Asian consumers said they are more willing now to eat at home than they did before the coronaviru...