The event represents a restart for traders as pandemics has changed consumption trends all over t...
Danish Crown Group CEO, Jais Valeur, predicts an increase in price for beef steak or veal for the...
The move is expected to increase frozen pork imports from the US and narrow the trade deficit wit...
Despite demand decline from China, pork exports from the US are still elevated.
The average prices on animal protein for last stayed at the same level as in August.
"Farmers won’t accept being offered up as a sacrificial lamb to the Green Party to keep the Gover...
Meantime, prime minister Johnson says the industry should pay better wages for British workers.
A volume of 30,000 tonnes of pig meat was acquired a few days ago, announced by the Chinese gover...
The highest level for the last 15 years - 76 million head - is to be seen at the end of 2023.
Due to a case of classical Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), a suspension of live cattle an...