The product has 75% Less Fat, 35% Fewer Calories and comes from birds raised with no antibiotics.
The first shipment, with selected cuts from Uruguay, has Shanghai as its destination. The monthly...
Authorities ordered farmers to keep the birds inside.
EMPRES-i+ aims to improve intelligence, forecasting and early warning, enabling countries to moni...
Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic's effects on poultry processing and the shipping container issues, ...
Beef from older cows is more popular in the EU market and a special, unusual niche was created in...
Jordan has approved three slaughterhouses of Pakistan to export of bovine, camel, sheep and goat ...
The capacity will reach 120,000 tonnes of live-weight poultry per year in 2023.
The UK poultry industry is urged to remain vigilant, as labour shortage and Brexit are taking the...
In terms of lamb, although volumes of New Zealand lamb imports in recent years have been below th...