The new Committee will formulate the responsible approach of Russian business to solving social p...
40,000 tonnes of rabbit meat is consumed every year in the Czech Republic.
The Spanish Confederation of Meat Retailers (Cedecarne) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisherie...
"The fact that first-half exports reached record levels speaks to the loyalty of our internationa...
In China, pig populations have largely recovered from the slump in African swine fever (ASF). The...
In July, the giant Asian market imported 854,000 tonnes of meat, 14% less than a year ago.
Compared to June, prices have dropped by 18% in the Spanish market as Danish and German pork are ...
"Together with our advisory council of experts and exhibitors, we decided last year to expand t...
Data gathered by the charity Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) show that 9.5 million to...
Export value has increased by 21% due to higher volumes shipped abroad and rising costs of produc...