"No time for half-hearted measures" - Jamie Oliver. "Many of the recommendations from the Nationa...
Between 2021 and 2025, the segment will progress at a CAGR of almost 4%.
The FAO Meat Price Index is now 15.6 percent above its value in the corresponding month last year.
The breeding sow herd has dropped by 11%, while piglets are 8% below last year's level.
According to a survey conducted in Denmark, 66% of respondents are aware of new dietary guidelines.
The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef sees carbon-sequestering potential in grasslands, posi...
Analysts are expecting a total pork production in China of almost 44 million tonnes.
Last year, the growth in the global market was 2.09% and countries in the Asia-Pacific region are...
The value of $270 million resulted from shipments abroad is unprecedented for the South American ...
Pork is the only meat that is expected to see a growth in production this year, according to a sh...