The biggest drop was seen in sheepmeat imports from New Zealand.
Reijer Evers, owner and founder of VSSMeat, adapted its business from foodservice deliveries to d...
The need for available workers in meat processing plants is increasing.
The Danish government eased the regulation for foodservice operators to tackle the impact of lock...
Some of the butcher shops in Barcelona were left empty by buyers scared of restriction measures a...
Meat processors are trying to minimize the impact of coronavirus infection in their plats by incr...
Market disruptions caused by COVID-19 is impacting premium range of products, usually delivered i...
ANSES concluded that there's no evidence of animals carrying the coronavirus, while food would ne...
"Demand has dropped down, consumption habits have changed, impact on the workforce pool is expect...
Minister Ardanowski blames producers and retailers for increasing prices in a time of crisis.