The move aims to consolidate the Spanish company position in North America.
Pork has doubled the value over the last 6 months, whilst beef and lamb are climbing continuously.
The International Butchers‘ Confederation will develop new strategies to address the global chall...
7 outbreaks have been reported since late December in turkey, quail and chicken farms.
Besides Asian countries, South American neighbors are an important destination for Brazilian pork.
The innovative packaging is made from cornstarch and it dissolves in the sink.
The "Silesian Fattening" project intends to breed pigs with high nutritional value of meat and a ...
In the last 10 years, beef was less and less consumed in the country, followed by poultry, mutton...
However, the total impact will be known only after a few months as more hurt animals may be eutha...
This is the first outbreak reported this year, with 24,000 animals culled.