Despite China’s ongoing travel restrictions and periodic lockdowns in some of its largest metropo...
August exports of U.S. pork topped year-ago totals for the first time in 2022, according to data ...
New Zealand beef exports to China grew by 49 per cent during August compared to the same period l...
The prices for slaughter pigs in China have increased enormously, year-to-date prices are up 60%....
After several deaths occurred due to application errors when using a vaccine against African swin...
Estimated EU pig meat production for June and July sits at 1.78 million tonnes and 1.66 million t...
Dunbia, which is one of Europe’s leading food companies specialising in the production of quality...
The outlook for the global poultry industry in Q4 2022 and early 2023 released by Rabobank remain...
The successful integration of PMJ into the Marel organization creates added value for duck proces...
“The forecasts of the European Commission regarding the reduction of gas and energy consumption a...