"Buy local" campaign contributed to domestic butcher sales surging by about 39% for beef.
Filipino government granted access for beef products from Spain after three-year negotiation.
The total beef cattle industry impact of COVID-19 is an estimated loss of $13.6 billion in total ...
Major players in this market are to face uncertainties in trade and a drop in imports due to the ...
The first batch of 200 tonnes has been sent at the beginning of this month.
Prices were down 23% in March due to the coronavirus pandemic and its effect on demand and trade.
"There is a real danger that we are being left behind", complains IFA President Tim Cullinan.
Exports to China are losing traction as well, according to figures reported for the first quarter...
"The empty store shelves aren’t an indicator of a food shortage, but rather a demand problem," be...
As an effect, livestock demand is increasing due to the reduction in air transit limiting access ...