The director of the White Coat Pig Interprofessional (INTERPORC), Alberto Herranz has highlighted...
Number of pig-keeping holdings down by roughly 3,500 compared with two years ago.
Brazilian exports of pork (considering all products fresh and processed) totaled 93.4 thousand to...
The Aragonese farm La Almenara has been awarded the Special Porc d'Or Award from the Ministry of ...
The advance made by the REDaPORC Operational Group show that a continuous evaluation of biosecuri...
Strong production growth for pig meat in November, according to the latest Defra release.
Russia sets itself the task of doubling the supply of meat to foreign markets over the horizon of...
GB deadweight pig prices held steady in November with the EU-spec SPP averaging 200.30p/kg for th...
The REDaPORC Operational Group led by the Spanish Inter-professional Agri-Food Organization for W...
Alberto Herranz, director of the White Pig Coat Interprofessional (INTERPORC) has stated that "it...