Imports of pork into the UK totalled 70,200 tonnes during November, a month on month increase of ...
For the week ending 14 January the EU spec SPP ( Standard Pig Price ) has increased 1.65p to stan...
UK pig meat production totalled 80,100 tonnes in December 2022, according to the latest Defra dat...
EU deadweight pig prices for December (five weeks ending 1 January) averaged 177.54p/kg, informs ...
In the last week of 2022, Peruvian health authorities approved the first Brazilian establishment ...
When we said goodbye to 2022, a damper was also put on the consumption of pork in Europe. Through...
Falling slaughter numbers and falling consumption of pork in Germany are now causing Danish Crown...
The Spanish white pork sector has always been at the vanguard of trends and is well aware that it...
November exports of U.S. pork were the largest of 2022 in both volume and value, according to dat...
This is a 12% increase from September and up 8% compared to October last year, according to AHDB.