If successful, the programme will add 1.2 million pigs per year in the processing units owned by ...
NPPC presented an estimate on the benefits that zero-tariff access to China for US pork will have...
In October, the country's sow herd has increased for the first time in 12 months.
Slaughter figures are growing but the supply of weaned and feeder piglets looks scarce.
Only a few major players in the market can take the burden of supplying the Chinese pork market i...
"A series of unprecedented problems are exhausting the companies in the sector", warns Assica pre...
The city looks to fill the gap in pork supply with imports from Thailand and Malaysia.
The FSIS was tipped that a company in Illinois was producing pork without the benefit of inspection.
The hike in prices may be followed by a decrease in consumption, according to analysts.
Pig meat reaches the level of €2.00, the highest in decades.