Thailand's first shipment of 14 containers of chicken meat valued at $1.1 million have arrived in...
China's broiler production is expected to increase by 700,000 mt to 11.7 million mt this year due...
A survey conducted by the American Farm Bureau Federation revealed that egg prices are 37% higher...
UK produced 1.8 million tons of poultry meat in 2017, with an increase of 1% year-over-year or 13...
Still, American poultry products are subject to import tariffs that range from 30% to 100%.
In the first quarter of 2018, Brazil's poultry meat sales reported a decrease of 5.6% to 1,017 mi...
The Pirbright institute has developed a vaccine that is efficient both for avian influenza and du...
A Rabobank report on poultry mentions a big shake-up in terms of global trade with Brazil being t...
The shortage of labour in the sector could have a bigger impact than an avian flu outbreak.
Brazilian authorities have decided to suspend the export of chicken from food processor BRF to th...