Scotland may introduce a new law this year requiring abattoirs to record on CCTV all areas where ...
Starting with 2019, methods used in kosher and halal animal slaughterings are officially banned i...
Prevention of AMR in farming is critical to human health, food safety, food security, animal heal...
US-based Maple Leaf Foods has announced it has converted more than half of its sow numbers to a m...
Vion has received the animal welfare label �F�r Mehr Tierschutz� for its beef products.
The US Supreme Court has validated on Monday a ban on selling foie gras, a duck liver and goose-b...
The data were collected between 2016 and 2017 according to an announcement made by the US Food an...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is ...
Sea Sheperd is making the offer hoping that the funds could stop the hunting of the whales.
Nestl� together with six other food companies has entered into an agreement through the Global Coal...