Vion, suppliers association StarFarmers, Connecting Agri & Food and PinCAgro introduce the projec...
An agreement signed between CEDECARNE and INTERPORC will distribute the certificate throughout th...
A larger number of pig herds now risk being placed under stricter supervision by the Danish Veter...
"It is important to have a clear basis to start working from", says Mary Pana, president of the N...
The business benchmark on farm animal welfare 2019 places the company in the second place in term...
"Welfare Commitment Certified", the Spanish quality seal that goes with the meat and products of ...
The measure addresses to all organic cattle farms in the country and aims to strengthen animal we...
A new campaign for the State Animal Welfare Label aims to increase consumers' knowledge of the la...
Control of the country's pig transports was increased in 2018, and this has benefited animal welf...
Transportation of live pigs and cattle is to be under scrutiny in the next months.