IPCVA: Argentine will export certified deforestation-free meat

Argentine will export certified deforestation-free meat and consolidates itself as a world leader in sustainable production.

Posted on Jun 05 ,00:20

IPCVA: Argentine will export certified deforestation-free meat

The Argentine Beef Promotion Institute (IPCVA) presented - to importers, authorities of the European Commission (EC), competent authorities of the EU Member States and specialized international press - a certification system that allows compliance with the new regulations which requires guaranteeing the deforestation-free origin of bovine meat products. Argentine is one of the first beef exporting countries to implement a risk analysis and ensure the traceability and certification of one of its main export products. The event took place at the residence of the Argentine Embassy to the European Union. 

This innovative tool, developed to ensure the traceability and certification of deforestation-free products and in which the entire cattle chain participates, guarantees that shipments reaching European markets will come from non-deforested livestock establishments, in compliance with the Regulation ( EU) 2023/1115 (EUDR) of the European Union, approved in mid-2023 and which will enter into force on December 30, 2024. 

By way of context, Argentine has always stated that the agrobioindustrial sector is part of the solution to global problems, and that any measure must be scientifically based and adapted to local realities. In that sense, Argentine hopes that this Regulation, being a unilateral and autonomous measure implemented by the EU, does not affect normal trade flows and does not become an access barrier once it is fully implemented on January 1 of 2025.

Strictly speaking, with regard specifically to cattle, Argentine has already successfully carried out the first pilot test with a shipment of meat exported to Germany on May 15; in addition to the pilot tests with soybeans, another of the Argentine export products that must comply with the new legislation.

At the opening of the event, the Secretary of Bioeconomy of Argentine, Fernando Vilella, highlighted the differential attributes of Argentine production that are able to respond to new consumer demands linked to quality, nutrition and the environment.

Jorge Grimberg, president of the IPCVA, said that "through the new VISEC Meat system and its natural production characteristics, Argentine is consolidating itself as one of the leading countries in sustainable production". Meanwhile, Mario Ravetino, vice president of the IPCVA, assured that "compliance with this EU regulation is essential to maintain and develop the market that demands the highest value premium cuts".

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