CPC is asking for funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 crisis and to prevent ASF from enterin...
"If we are serious about establishing a permanent presence in the Chinese market, the discussio...
The Asian country reported an H5N1 outbreak on a farm with more than 1,000 birds.
Almost 150 workers have been found infected with the novel coronavirus.
233 workers in AMI plant in Mikstat found positive for COVID-19.
June exports of US pork fell below year-ago levels for the first time this year but exports remai...
Australians worked with an American start-up company, Corumat, to develop patented technology usi...
Goldsboro Milling – Maxwell Foods decided to exit the industry and liquidates 54,000 sows.
Local lockdown measures have impacted shoppers confidence and analyst are expecting the market to...
Despite the attempts in rebuilding the herds in some pig farms, China's deficit of animal protein...