The measure aims to better protect workers in processing plants owned by the American company.
Saudi Arabia and Singapore have lifted bans applied to several products.
In the last week of August, volumes exported to China have increased by 72.3% compared with the p...
In June, there were strong export figures to a variety of countries, including France, Italy and ...
Myanmar and the US are markets targeted for embryos, while Argentina shows interest in animal feed.
Exports of live pigs doubled to reach to 1.46 million heads. Most of them are re-shipped to Vietnam.
Shipped volume to all Arab countries combined was down 7% to 853,300 tonnes.
In total, the EU beef production in the first 5 months of the year has dropped by 5% but Italy re...
The Company completed its registration with Global Marketplace, the UN’s official procurement por...
Driven by demand from South East Asia, prices have increased by 50%.