Despite its role as a major global seafood producer, the Asian country has increased the value of...
In May, chicken and turkey meat production grew substantially on a yearly basis.
Russia imported 1.7 times less meat in the first half of this year compared to the similar period...
The report mentions that Italian vessels have cumulated more than 10,000 hours of illegal fishing...
GB pig prices remained stable in the week ended 7 July, thus continuing the trend observed since ...
The Center for Agri-Food Research and Technology of Aragon (CITA) is developing research on the p...
Cargill has partnered with Seoul-based AG Meat, a specialty import meat distributor, to sell its ...
Most retailers and foodservice providers across Europe want products that are part of a quality a...
Authorities from Belarus have announced the ban on poultry imports from the Flanders region, Belg...
The Association demands forcefulness from the authorities and reminds the public that cured hams ...