Pilgrim’s UK, alongside its retail partners Waitrose and Co-op, has conducted a first-of-its-kind...
"In times of crisis, the pig sector generates economic and social sustainability and works on env...
The demand for meat from the growing Swiss population was met in 2022 with slightly increasing do...
Perdue Farms submitted a petition to the USDA’s Food Safety & Inspection Service (FSIS) to modify...
Moy Park has announced 150 new jobs at its Ballymena facility in Northern Ireland.
TRANSAVIA, the only company in the sector selected by the Directorate-General for Health and Food...
A record value of beef and pork exports brought significant returns to the U.S. corn and soybean ...
Several public holidays and less working days throughout April mean this month will have the lowe...
The Animal Husbandry Labeling Act is currently in the parliamentary process.
Chinese pork processing giant WH Group Ltd processed 30% more poultry last year, according to Reu...