Pork roasting joints could be the winner at Christmas dinner – with experts predicting red meat w...
September beef exports totaled 115,487 mt, valued at $890.3 million, down 7% from a year ago in b...
The National Animal Quality and Health Service (Senacsa) reported that from January to October of...
Brazilian pork exports (considering all products, between fresh and processed) reached 98.6 thous...
U.S. pork exports topped year-ago totals for the second consecutive month in September, according...
New research has confirmed the carbon footprint of New Zealand beef and lamb is amongst the lowes...
High global prices continue to drive export growth for New Zealand red meat with the value of exp...
While the forecast for global sheepmeat and beef demand is generally positive for the season, an ...
Despite seasonal fluctuations, EU lamb prices have been steadily rising since late 2020, accordin...
Shares in meat and dairy alternatives crash to earth whilst meat producers stage comeback.