The company currently exports Finnish and Swedish pork to the Asian market.
The drop in consumption is mainly driven by changes in consumer habits to diminish meat in their ...
A trade war is about to rise again, as meat exporters from the US and Australia are pushed back f...
In December 2021, the chicken price peaked at $2.74 per kg, gaining 17% from a month earlier. The...
The swine population in the Philippines is estimated at 9.87 million head; 12.8% lower compared t...
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (W...
The international market for poultry products has faced strong pressure from high input costs, wh...
Brexit impact continues to make waves in the British pork market.
The processing sector crisis created by the COVID wave seems to ease for the first time this year.
Rise in use of see-through packaging techniques in the meat industry is estimated to drive the sa...