In October 2020, a sub-group on animal welfare labelling was established within the EU Platform o...
"Poultry and pig farmers are at crisis point," says IFA President Tim Cullinan.
The swine population in the Philippines is estimated at 9.87 million head; 12.8% lower compared t...
Rise in use of see-through packaging techniques in the meat industry is estimated to drive the sa...
Limited beef exports imposed by the current government didn't encourage inhabitants to consume mo...
In 2021, US beef exports increased 15% in volume and 38% in value from the previous year.
The processing sector crisis created by the COVID wave seems to ease for the first time this year.
More than 40 countries have reported outbreaks during the last four months and OIE warns that "a ...
Poultry now accounts for around 20 % of the total meat market and 20 % of that is imported meat.
Maiden gilts recorded a 10% decline compared to January 2021 but the numbers are lower in every c...