A health subcommittee began to analyze the risk that may or may not be posed by importing the pro...
Producing the world’s most efficient beef cattle with a light environmental footprint is the goal...
Technical missions, visits to the Asian country and various diplomatic efforts by the Ministries ...
The Interprofessional INTERPORC has participated in the culinary event 'An Autumn with a View to ...
U.S. pork and soybean representatives joined USMEF in Vietnam to study U.S. pork’s market potenti...
Market research, product development and consumer testing lead to the introduction of two new U.S...
A delegation of Italian meat specialists from one of the nation’s largest wholesalers have visite...
Aldi Scotland has partnered with pork supplier Browns Food Group, with support from Quality Meat ...
Leather Cattle Co, a grassfed and EU certified humane cattle enterprise from Central Queensland, ...
The implementation of new actions to achieve higher levels of circularity would allow the white p...