The recovery in the animal protein market may not be so easy after a difficult, volatile 2020, sa...
A 747 charter plane delivered 900 head of breeding pigs on December 9, 2020, from Genesus nucleus...
Total beef exports for the 2020 year-to-November are 954,000 tonnes swt, 14% down on 2019 levels.
The decrease in cattle inventory may result in a spike of prices for the second half of 2021, R...
Brexit deal or no deal, there will be change to our way of trading that we have known for the las...
Any drop in demand from China and Hong Kong may turn into a disaster for the Brazilian pork indus...
The pandemic and associated travel and event restrictions have also had an impact on Anuga FoodTe...
The total amount of pork shipments abroad is estimated at 1,03 million tonnes.
Currently, the average price for 100 kg carcass weight is 10% higher y-o-y.
A second lockdown put in place is forcing some of the players to exit the sector.