Pig meat imports have dropped by 19%, with the US and EU pork exporters being the most affected.
The Danish company is going to supply COFCO, a state-owned company, with pig meat in 2020.
Food Minister Mogens Jensen has appointed Group CEO of Danish Crown Jais Valeur as chairman of a ...
Switching from meat to alternative proteins is a measure that Vion CEO Ronald Lotgerink announced...
Fear of African Swine Fever (ASF) is spreading to all continents as the virus keeps devastate pig...
During the summer, red meat production in Iran was at 77,000 tonnes, according to the official data.
Starting November 5, Canadian pork is allowed in China after 4 months of suspension in trade.
Dishes from chicken feet or beef liver are local specialties in China and Egypt.
9 outbreaks have been reported since the first incident on September 15 and none of those have be...
Moving Mountains, UK's Best Selling Plant-Based Burger and World's First Hot Dog Made From Sunflo...