Another farm located near the North Korean border was hit by the disease.
Exports to China are increasing but not enough to compensate losses in the German and British mar...
The parts have a Free Trade Agreement that still waits to be ratified by the Parliament.
The sum covers only half of the cleaning and decontamination operations in private holdings affec...
16,000 pigs were culled at one of Tebu Consult units, in Braila county.
The meat comes from the state reserve and was imported from the US, UK, Denmark, Germany, France ...
This is the first measure of this kind taken in the last 50 years.
The new and award-winning solution for in-line smoking of meat, poultry, seafood and meal compo...
At its 100th anniversary, the trade fair is offering a new vision on the food industry by celebra...
By choosing its own private supply chain, PLUS provides insight into the origin of its fresh and ...