According to the latest AHDB analysis, UK beef production is expected to decrease by 5% in 2025 w...
This first batch is made up of about 500 heads of cattle, coming from three production units in C...
Statistics for the sector indicate that production and prices are also moving upwards.
The successes and challenges of the Polish beef sector were discussed during the 11th Internation...
Of the 2.87 million tons of beef imported by China in 2024, 2.18 million came from the three Merc...
The Brazilian Association of Meat Exporting Industries (Abiec) celebrated the opening of the Keny...
In 2024, Argentine reached a historical high in beef exports with more than 933 thousand tons shi...
The Interprofessional Organisation for Beef (PROVACUNO) has travelled with a group of Spanish bee...
With these two memorandums, Mexico and the United States enable the export of cattle on the hoof ...
Brazilian beef is preparing to arrive in Japan in the coming months and, if Roberto Perosa, curre...