Dan Halstrom still hopes to see signs of growth in pork exports this year, even if trade barriers...
In the last 10 years, pork exports to these markets have grown considerably, according to Interporc.
€7 million were invested in Sweden's largest pig slaughterhouse to complete the modernisation of ...
The UK still accounts for one-third of market share but substantial growth was seen in exports to...
French pig meat production was stable in 2018 at 2.18 million tonnes (cwe), with 23.5 million pig...
The German company launched TONISO feeding which reduces nitrogen excretions via liquid manure.
Consorcio del Jamon Serrano Espanol and Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma will carry out a joint ...
The Chinese health authorities have approved a new format for the certification of official veter...
The investment worth €35 million allows the company to relocate part of its activity from Scherpe...
The Inter-professional Agri-Food Organization for White Pork, Interporc, announced that the Japan...