Russia and Kazakhstan have been already hit by an influenza wave due do wild birds migration rout...
ABPA Technical Director believes that cheaper meat products will have an advantage in the market.
All the wild boars confirmed so far have been found in the Brandenburg area.
BMPA fears that delay in clarifying several issues with the EU may create losses in orders from t...
"If everyone in the world lived like us Danes, we would need almost four planets," warns Danish F...
The finding of a wild boar carcass 60 kilometres away from the risk area means that the disease a...
In August, 46% of farmers were confident in the future of New Zealand’s sheep and beef industry c...
Beef, sheepmeat and poultry are also targeted in a new plan launched by Beijing officials.
Global market implications of COVID-19 continue to impact Australia’s lamb and key export markets...
50 new cases have been confirmed at the Avicola de Galicia (Avigal) production plant in Cambados.