The officials think that this is the proper way to prevent outbreaks of highly contagious bird flu.
The situation in Poland, Germany and Denmark is under analysis.
The organisation needs 7.5 million dollars in order to cover the vaccination of 30% of the countr...
The Welsh government is taking action a week after England's authorities imposed a similar decision.
The centre is part of Center for Innovation Excellence in Livestock (CIEL) Network and it aims to...
Ministers of Agriculture from 69 states and representatives of the European Commission and of int...
The German cold cuts company Reinert wants to produce a range of cold cuts based on meat from pig...
Cargill opened its first feed mill dedicated to fish species in India. The mill, located in the c...
Australian pork producers were making good progress in reproduction and they matched their over...
The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean is starting a pilot project in the region