Imports of pig meat to the UK totalled 71,300 t in November, up by 1,200 t compared to the volume...
In a press release, USDA-FAS highlights efforts to increase U.S. pork exports to Chile, including...
PROVACUNO has been carrying out various promotional initiatives since January 11 to highlight the...
Environmental sustainability is one of the pillars that make up the DNA of the Spanish white-coat...
With investments of R$ 135 million, the plant in Paraná resumes operations 10 months after the fi...
Duck meat exports from Brazil grew in 2023, according to the Brazilian Animal Protein Association...
The 2024 outlook for the global poultry market is moderately positive, with a forecast of 1.5% to...
Beef exports totaled 99,029 mt in November, down 14% from a year ago and the second lowest of the...
Fueled by record performances in Mexico, Central America and Colombia, November exports of U.S. p...
National Pig Association (NPA) chief executive Lizzie Wilson highlighted the need to ensure retai...