Officials from the Agriculture Ministry said that the measure is "to ensure true data reliability".
Consumer's false concerns about the ASF situation and the quality of the meat has led to a declin...
Demand for live pigs is increasing in Vietnam and Cambodia as commercial farms are trying to rebu...
Authorities are foreseeing a disaster in spring when wild boars herds are expected to move.
2019 was the second consecutive year when the number of sows has declined.
The 2019 average market price of €1,350 / kg live-weight was higher than the average market price...
Pork imports are estimated to reach 4 million tonnes this year, a volume equal in size with Brazi...
The complications created by the ASF virus in regions such as Asia, East Europe and Africa are ex...
The Minister of Agriculture urged local authorities to prevent a recurrence in African swine feve...
The ASF situation has created a dramatic decline in the national pig inventory and there are no c...