

Brazil: Poultry genetics exports grow 10.9 percent in May

Surveys by the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA) show that Brazilian exports of poultry...

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Australia: The lamb market becoming more volatile

Many will be asking themselves what has happened to the lamb market in recent years, with the unc...

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US turkey exports increases in the first four month of 2024

U.S. turkey exports for the first four months of this year increased in volume and value from the...

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Brazil: Chicken meat exports grow 4.2 percent in May

Brazilian exports of chicken meat (considering all products, including fresh and processed) total...

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INTERPORC: The World Ham Congress is a succes for the entire sector

The XII World Ham Congress has concluded with a great result in terms of participation, organizat...

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Rabobank: Global beef quarterly Q2 2024

Cattle market prices continue to move along at two speeds, with North American markets tracking c...

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The Spanish pork sector advocates for a trade understanding between the EU and China

The white pork sector advocates for understanding in trade relations between the European Union a...

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AHDB: Q1 2024 Pork cost of production

The latest AHDB quarterly cost of production and margin estimations have been published for Q1 2024.

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Vihren Dimitrov, Golyamo Vranovo: We are developing a new pork hybrid called Black Angel

Golyamo Vranovo, the first pig farm in Bulgaria is aiming in deleping a new pork hybrid called Bl...

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Spanish pork shines at SIAL Shanghai 2024

The Agri-Food Interprofessional of the White Pork (INTERPORC) has successfully closed its partici...

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