The US subsidiary of the Brazilian company has collected more than a quarter of the funds deliver...
The fat processing facility in Valkenswaard is to be closed in the following months and operation...
Live pig exports to Germany and Poland has created a shortage in the Danish pig market and slaugh...
Malaysia warns farmers not to cover a possible outbreak of African Swine Fever.
Authorities claim that traces of ractopamine were found in the pig meat imported from Canada.
The Ministry of Agriculture reacted to irregularities in deliveries from Germany after 250 kilos ...
Until now, routine isotope testing of pork products, which claim to be British, has been limited ...
China's outlook for the pig industry gets more severe as the virus keeps spreading.
"The retail market for meat and sausages in Germany is declining. Due to an oversupply to the m...
Tighter supplies of pork meat in the domestic market and the ongoing trade war with the US could ...