France, Germany, Portugal, the US, Mexico, Japan, and Australia are the main destinations for the...
Since 2014, Spanish pork exporters have managed to become the second largest supplier of pig meat...
In the next five years, the Group intends to build 40 new pig farms in the Penza Region.
Despite the pork crisis in China and dropped tariffs in the Mexican market, hog prices are at the...
The South East Asian country also fears ASF outbreaks and has stopped introducing new breeding st...
A decline of 8% was reported in the first three months of the year as a consequence of reduced de...
Due to the ASF situation, the country will be divided into 5 major swine-producing regions with l...
Serbian Agriculture Minister Branislav Nedimovic and the Deputy Minister of the General Administr...
Manure collected from Smithfield farms in Missouri and Utah will be transformed into renewable na...
Pork consumption has dropped by 10% to 15% in the last 12 months, according to Rabobank.